Tighe & Bond
Tighe & Bond

Tighe & Bond

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Westfield, MA
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About the company

In a field known for black-and-white thinking, Tighe & Bond focuses on bright ideas, green strategies, and clear solutions. Working with public and private organizations across the northeast, our engineering and environmental consulting projects demand creative, collaborative responses to complex questions.Four things combine to make us unique. First is our commitment to thoroughly understanding client needs, and through that understanding, help them succeed. Second is our deliberate regional focus on the northeastern United States. We like it that way, and frankly, so do our clients. Third is our position as a major firm in this dynamic region. We have very strong, full-service offerings staffed locally by people who live in these communities. And fourth is our ownership model. We’re owned by our employees, so we all feel truly invested in our clients’ success.We’re built this way on purpose. These four elements fuse together to assure outstanding client and project outcomes, and exciting opportunities for employees. Tighe & Bond’s talented engineers, planners, scientists, landscape architects and support staff do great work that benefits our clients, our communities and this entire region that we love.

Industry: Civil Engineering

Company Size: 501-1,000 employees

Founded: 1911

Tighe & Bond

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