Tech Expats
Tech Expats

Tech Expats

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About the company

Tech Expats helps American tech professional get hired and move to Scandinavia through our network of top startup and VC partners.At Tech Expats, we believe that immigration is one of the most powerful ways in which individuals can exercise their agency and pursue a life that represents their values, ambitions and personal identity. Living abroad isn't just about short commutes along the waterfront, past cozy cafés and stylish passer-by's. It's about finding yourself in a place that excites and inspires you to become who you want to be. We know that If more people could live where and how they want to, the world would be a much better place.‍We started Tech Expats to help Americans who are fed up with a troubling status quo. Please don't misunderstand, there is much to love about the US. At the same time, it's impossible to ignore the red flags, how shareholder value comes before everything else, a place where surveillance capitalism and the financialization of every aspect of life continues at breakneck pace, and where political life is becoming increasingly tenuous. Here is to the idea that there is more to life than money. In Scandinavia, that is.

Industry: Human Resources Services

Company Size:

Founded: 2024

Tech Expats

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