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South San Francisco, CA
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About the company

Spirair is an early-stage company pioneering minimally invasive solutions that help ENTs advance care for their patients by providing strong outcomes and a better patient experience. We’re committed to developing new therapies that can easily integrate in any ENT’s treatment algorithms so they can help more of their patients breathe better. Spirair got its start in the Stanford Biodesign Innovation Fellowship, a program that equips aspiring innovators with a proven, repeatable process to identify important health-related needs, invent novel health technologies to address them, and prepare to implement those products into patient care. Founders James Kintzing, Ph.D. and Brandon McCutcheon, M.D. were co-fellows in the program and identified an opportunity in the ENT space when they discovered the unmet need for a minimally invasive nasal septal deviation correction therapy to help address nasal airway obstruction.Our first product is a novel solution for symptomatic nasal septal deviation (NSD) that supports and straightens minor deviations in the septal cartilage. The procedure can be conveniently and safely performed under local anesthesia in any site of service as part of standard septoplasty techniques.

Industry: Medical Equipment Manufacturing

Company Size: 1-10 employees



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